Angels, whether they are people or voices or objects, are there to ward off evil/bad things. They remind you that there is goodness/light no matter if there is a lot or a little darkness in life. They give you that hope and a reason to hang on. They give you balance and may help restore whatever faith you have. It does not matter what or who you believe in, just know that you always have someone/something watching over you no matter where you are. Somehow, angels are among us. I have also included a quote to remind us of that. “Angels live among us. Sometimes they hide their wings, but there is no disguising the peace and hope they bring.” They are, as this poem reminds us all, our protector/guardian. I hope that this new year brings everybody hope and some kind of faith. Just know that nobody can ever take those away from you. Since we are on the subject here, I will include another poem, below the one I have already included.
This angel in the picture up above was given to me by my 2nd mom after I got my driver’s license back in September and helped, in a sense, with this poem I wrote.
Guardian Angel
What the hell am I going to do?
When the world all around me
Is a mess and I can only think of you
My guardian angel, who will see
The good in me even when I
Am not seeing it. I want to feel free
Without the burdens. Every tear I cry,
You take them away with everything
That is feeling heavy. You fly
Me to a safer place. I want to cling
To you and that protection. During
My darkest times you bring
Me endless light that I find alluring
And peaceful. That voice, telling
Me that I can do this, the reassuring
One in my head is saying to stop dwelling
On the past, on mistakes, on the low-level
Thoughts, and to start living. Stop selling
My soul and heart over to the devil
In disguise. He wants to see me fall apart
Just like the world and wants to revel
In my weakness. My pulsing heart
Is still intact in my angel’s hands.
She is giving me a new start
Every day and when I cannot stand
Anymore. She is my strength, light,
Anchor, protector, and a rubber band,
Keeping everything together tight.
She is my guide through every
Storm, rough wave, and dark night.
P.S. I won a contest with the above poem on a website I have been a part of for a while, called Deep Underground Poetry. The contest theme was angelic protector.
Our Own Version of Faith
I do not pray to the same God as you,
But I still carry that faith and hope
With me like the heavy load. Through
Every hard time, I hang onto the rope
Like a miracle. Somewhere up there
An angel is watching, trying to cope
With brokenness. I will not bear
Anybody else’s crosses except for
My own. You have a prayer
Spilling out of your lips. Save it before
You go preaching to someone who will
Never accept it. I have my own door
To open and walk through. Keep still
While others are feeding you made
Up lies. I hope that you continue to fill
Yourself up with love and every blade
Of grass running through your finger
Tips. Never let those moments fade
Away. Never let your hatred linger
Behind, even when you do not agree
With someone else. Imagine the bigger
Picture of the world. It is more than me
And it is more than you. It is not just
Black and white anymore. It is we
And us. Everything can be discussed
And heard. Everything could be argued.
How can we ever have such distrust?
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