
I want to end this year (happy early 2020 by the way) with talking about mantras. I know that I have talked about them before, especially in one of my earliest posts back when I first started this blog. When someone looks up the definition of mantra in the dictionary one of the definitions is the following: “an often repeated word, formula, or phrase, often a truism” ( I think of a mantra as something we repeat when we are going through rough times or it can be that reminder we remember every day. Everyone in this world has a different mantra like what Russell Brand says. “Everyone has their own mantra.” There is truth to that because everyone is district and has their own goals or aspirations. For example, my mantra could be different than someone else’s. Why? Who knows, but that should not matter. We are all just trying to make the world a better place and brings something positive. It is like what Sogyal Rinpoche says. “The definition of mantra is ‘that which protects the mind.’ That which protects the mind from negativity, or that which protects you from your own mind, is called mantra.” I definitely have to agree with that quote because a mantra is indeed something that protects us from going to a negative place which leads me to my next point.

I also think that a mantra is something positive because I do not think there is any point of having one that is negative. Robin S. Sharman says, “A mantra is nothing more than a collection of words strung together to create a positive effect.” In other words you are putting this mantra out into the world to create a positive effect and change. A mantra is something to believe in. One of the mantras I have used in the past and I still try to use it whenever I can is: “I’m beautiful and good enough.” You can view my post titled “New Mantra: I Am Beautiful and Good Enough” to learn more about the inspiration behind it. I figured this would be a good way to end the year. Because mantras are important and are a good way to start off the new year as well.

I want all of my readers to think long and hard about what their mantra is. Write it on a post it note and put it in a place you can see it. I know it sounds silly, but say it out loud to yourself every day or you can whisper it. This mantra can be as short or as long as you want it to be. Mantras serve a purpose in life. I hope my readers enjoy my final poem of 2019. The below poem won runner up for a competition on DUP. And I wish everyone a happy 2020! May this next year bring you everything you wished for. Cheers!!

My Mantra(s)

Be myself in a world that is filled
With too many people who pretend
To be someone else. Be a light in
A dimmed or dark room. I build
Myself back up when I spend
Time getting knocked down. Grin
And smile even when I just want
To hide away for a little bit. No one
Can ever take away my dream or
My hope. Spend time and energy
On those who deserve it. The sun
Is right there in the way I ignore
Self-doubt and killers. Yesterday
Is in the past and I am walking
Towards a better tomorrow. I am
Letting the truth spill out instead of
Hiding behind lies. Stop clocking
In and out of prison. Let the slam
Of the door be definite. I will find love.

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I was born and raised in the Bay Area. Growing up, I went to Berkeley public schools up until I left California to attend McDaniel College, located in Westminster, MD. I graduated from McDaniel College with a B.A. in Theatre Arts with a focus in Acting.

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