Moving on From Heartbreak

I know this is a subject I have talked about many times. But I thought I would share some more thoughts on this subject, especially the aftermath or what happens after the heartbreak. I have to admit that I have had my heart broken at least a few times. It is something that is hard to move on from and it takes time to really heal. It could take days, weeks, months and some times even years to really move on. There is no definite timeline for how long it takes because it varies person to person. That is why we should not be defined by our heartbreaks because we have all experienced at some point or another. That brings me into my first quote of this post. “You are not defined by a heartbreak. You are defined by how you rise above it and move forward.” In other words you should never be judged or defined by how you experienced heartbreak, but by how you go above it and move on. It is as simple as that.

It is better to move on than stay and dwell on it. It is okay to sit and reflect on it for a little bit, but at some point you have to move on. I know that it is hard to see the good side after a heartbreak, but there is a good side to getting heartbroken, trust me. That leads me to my next quote. Heidi Klum says “I’ve been heartbroken. I’ve broken hearts. That’s part of life, and its part of figuring out who you are so you can find the right partner.” In other words, heartbreak is a part of life. It really tests and makes sure the right people are in your life. I have been on both ends of heartbreak. I have been on the giving and receiving ends of it. Either way it is no fun. But at the end of the day you deserve the right person/people in your life. I could probably go and on about this subject, but I will conclude right here.

I will leave you with one final quote and apologies for it being so long, but it essential. “Heart break. Everyone at some point in their life is going to experience it. And, you know what?It’s probably one of the most painful things a person has to go through. I’m not going to lie. When you get your heart broken, it feels like it shattered into a million pieces. It’s like that person you were head over heels for stomped mercilessly on your heart. It feels like your heart is being shredded to pieces, cut up, and thrown in the trash, left to rot. It hurts a lot, emotionally and physically. Getting heart broken actually makes your heart physically hurt. You cry and cry and wish it wasn’t like this. You wish it was just a temporary nightmare. But, the sad truth? It’s not. It’s reality. And you’re going to just have to accept it, the pain and all.” In other words, heartbreak hurts, but you just have to accept it all and move on. Here is a poem to enjoy. Cheers!

Moving On from Heartbreak

I stood waiting for my heart to repair
Itself but little did you know you had
The power to break it. That despair

I felt did nothing to replace the bad
Feeling I had that this was the end,
But I still have to protect and clad

Myself in the finest armor to send
A message you could never break
Me or my heart. You left me to fend

For myself as the wolves would take
Everything I once held sacred. You
Mistook my kindness for a snake

You can easily get rid of. As my blue
Sky came back to life I knew in this
Moment I would be ok. You misconstrue

What it took me to move on. My bliss
Would not be destroyed by your abyss.

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I was born and raised in the Bay Area. Growing up, I went to Berkeley public schools up until I left California to attend McDaniel College, located in Westminster, MD. I graduated from McDaniel College with a B.A. in Theatre Arts with a focus in Acting.

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