
The sky… we all see it every single day, yet it is something we tend to forget about just as easily. There is so much the sky teaches us and the main thing it teaches us is to appreciate its beauty. This brings me to my first quote of this post by Ralph Waldo Emerson. He says, “The sky is the ultimate art gallery just above us.” In other words, Emerson is comparing the sky to a piece of art or all pieces of art in an art gallery. That gives us more of a reason to appreciate the sky every day. That is why I like sunrises and sunsets especially. They teach me to appreciate the life I am grateful enough to live. I could go on and on but I will conclude this post with one final quote. S. R. Abasi says “The sky speaks in a thousand colors.” That is why the sky is so important. It can speak to us in so many ways. But I will conclude this post by saying to appreciate the sky because it gives us something every single day. I hope that my readers enjoy the following poem.

The Sky’s Beauty

Painted like a picture
The sky reminds me of better times.
The stars twinkle like magical chimes,
But the sky will never waiver or flicker.

Gone are all of yesterday’s sorrows.
We only focus on the present moment
As the sky is the world’s bestowment.
There is tomorrow.

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I was born and raised in the Bay Area. Growing up, I went to Berkeley public schools up until I left California to attend McDaniel College, located in Westminster, MD. I graduated from McDaniel College with a B.A. in Theatre Arts with a focus in Acting.

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