Being Open To New Possibilities/Chances

Just a little backstory before I dive right into it… When I was little, I used to be a picky eater by eating a whole lot of plain food plus my parents used to cook me a separate meal and I did not enjoy super spicy food. I fast forward as I got older and that slowly began to change. I felt like it got better when I went off to college and after I graduated from college. I remind my parents that they no longer have to cook a separate meal and I eat whatever I am served. There are still some things I refuse to eat and my taste buds have changed. I still will not eat super spicy food, but some spice is okay. What is the whole point to this? I know that I have talked about to never make assumptions and I think I also talked about keeping an open mind. That is what I am getting into.

I was also just talking to someone I know and I was explaining to her about a situation I am in right now, but I am not giving too many details. As I was explaining to her what was happening, she said to never shut out new possibilities. In the back of my mind, I was thinking about times where I say yes, even in situations where you should say no. However, I would say to be respectful of your boundaries, so if you need to say no or maybe go ahead and do so. There is nothing wrong with that, but that is not what I am talking about here. I have learned, especially a lot recently, to be open to any possibilities, regardless if you are unsure. You may never know where you will end up going. It could turn out great or maybe not so great after all.

This brings me to a quote that I found which perfectly relates to what I am talking about. “Today, open yourself up to new opportunities. Be accepting and ready for all of the wonderful possibilities that are coming your way… Your time to bloom is now.” There is no day like the present for new things because new things are for the most part good, especially when it feels like you need a change or more adventures. Even if they do not work out, they still teach you something. Maybe I am thinking about this with the new year arriving, although this may be my first post of the new year. I am strongly encouraging my readers to taking chances and to be open to new possibilities/opportunities. I challenge everybody, including myself, to making it one of the many New Year’s resolutions. Always have that voice in your head that says you can do this, no matter what happens. I am including two poems in this post today.

Something New

Goodbye to the bad habits I am trying
To get rid of forever. I am not going to
Live my life in the past while crying


Over something I cannot change. You
Try to keep me down, but I never need
People who do not need me. The new

And fresh start to something is a seed
Of hope. There is a better version of me
Somewhere inside. The desire to succeed

Is overwhelming and I know that I can see
Myself blossoming into one of those flowers
I love so much. I am stronger than the tree

Roots. I am rising up taller than the towers
And skyscrapers. Something is out there
The horizon. I am taking what is ours,

What we built and began. The clean air
Surrounds us and there is a new beginning.
All I can do is to send out a prayer.


New Chances

New possibilities, both new and old.

Never shut yourself out from the cold

Because it will make you appreciate

The warmth a bit more. Never wait

For anything to catch up with you

Just like you cannot wait to be through

With old doors before opening new ones.

Darling, you cannot be the one who outruns

The fresh chances that come your way.

You have to sometimes try to stray

From the path just a bit to learn to say yes.

Life is still always going to be a mess

In the end. This is your chance to shine,

Bloom and to be the first one in line

This time without being second best.

I know that you are weary and need a rest,

But you have this handled because this

Is your year. This only your bliss.


P.S. As the new year (2017) is upon us as of tomorrow (the 1st of January), I want to wish everybody a happy new year and I hope that you have a great start to the new year. Thanks for continuing to show me your support, as this blog (Messyties) is turning a year old. Thank you all so much. I hope the new year brings you all good things. I am leaving you all with another quote since this one is special for the new year and it is said by Rainer Maria Rilke. She says “And we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” I hope that everybody opens their heart to new things for the new year.