You know the feeling of falling in love? It is exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. It sometimes has the power and ability to destroy us. That is the type of love I will be talking about in this post. Love is a dangerous thing. That brings me to my first quote of this post. “Love is a dangerous weapon; it can either heal you or destroy you completely.” So in other words, love can either help and heal you or it can destroy and break you. It is one thing or another, not both. If you are lucky you will find someone who has the power to destroy you, but does not do so in the end. Hang onto that person because they are one of a kind. We all want to hurt someone, especially when they hurt or try to destroy you. They either do it accidentally or on purpose. The mature thing is to just walk away because as much as you want to hurt or destroy someone who did the same to you it is better to take the higher road. That leads me into my next quote. “Maturity is when you have the power to destroy someone who did you wrong, but you breathe, walk away, and let life take care of them.” In other words, it is better to let karma do its work.
This is going to be a short post, so I will conclude with one final quote and that will be it for this post. There is a reason why some relationships fail while others do not. That leads me into my final couple of quotes of this post. “Most relationships tend to fail. Not because of absence of love. Love is always present. It’s just that one loves too much and the other loves too little.” In the end, that is why love can destroy us. There is one more quote to wrap things up here. Anna Todd says “When you love people, you don’t let them destroy you along with themselves, you don’t allow them to drag you through the mud. You try to help them, try to save them, but the moment that your love is one-sided or selfish, if you keep trying, you are a fool.” I think that quote is self explanatory and sums up what this post is all about. I hope you enjoy the following poem which won me a competition I participated in on DUP.
Love as a One-Way Street
We were like embers in the night sky Burning bright only for us to see, but How is it that our signals got tangled? In hindsight you were the wrong guy For I wanted to get you out of the rut You were stuck in while you handled
Me like a dynamite stick… too damn Cautious and shut down a possibility To rekindle what we lost in the fire. You wanted to move on as I slammed The door closed. I take no responsibility For your happiness as I have no desire
To love someone who stopped loving Me in return. You got your wish for Me to stop trying. You may think this Was all a game or that I was bluffing Or that I was trying to even the score, But the truth is that you lost and missed
Every chance. Our love was like a one- Way street. I had to walk away with my Head held high and with my love you Destroyed because even with the sun In my generous heart I could never try To hurt yours that remains forever blue.
Hi there! I know that I have not posted for quite some time and for that I am sorry. Let’s dive right back in here. I know that I have talked about this subject for quite some time… love. But here I am going to talk about a type of love we do not always typically talk about. Love is not always sunshine or rainbows or flowers. Sometimes there is a type of love that fades away and we cannot always stop it from fading away or disappearing. Sometimes it is as simple as people who do not belong together and you know what… that is perfectly okay. Sometimes love is not that fairy tale or happy ending and this is what this blog post is all about. That brings me to my very first quote by Carolyn Meyer. “What had happened to our love? Somehow it had faded, or worn out, or simply withered away.” Something like love can be simply faded, worn out or withered away and it happens a lot more than we think it does.
This doesn’t always have to be related to love. It can be about anything or anyone in your life that fades away. That leads me to my next quote. “Sometimes you can’t choose what stays and what fades away.” So in other words some things fade and some things stay and you have no control over that. In the end some a lot of things like love simply fade away to make room for something better. That leads me to my next quote by Diego J. Carrillo Díaz who says “One day everything will start fading away and before you know it its all gone for good; making way for new and better things.” So it was like what I was saying before… things fade away to make room for the new and better.
We have to learn how to take care of something as precious as love because if we are not careful it could fade and die. That leads me to my next quote. “Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.” In other words love does not die naturally and we have to learn how to water it and let it grow. We have to learn to fix our mistakes and betrayal. We have to learn how to heal it and make it better. We have to do all of this because otherwise it will get faded, tarnished and withered.
On the other side of the spectrum nothing is going to be permanent including love and a lot of the time you cannot leave yourself empty handed or leave yourself with nothing when you do decide to leave and let that love fade away. That brings me to my next and final quote. “I have come to realise that nothing is permanent. No matter how much love you claimed you have for someone. It can fade away. Yours, or his. Just make sure when that time comes, you still have something left inside of you to keep you moving forward.” I have always learned this the hard way. Love is not always a permanent thing because even if they love you or you love them it still is something that can fade away over time and one of you still has to walk away with love in your hearts. You have to learn that it is okay to walk away if something does not feel right. Just make sure that you leave yourself with something still left inside of you that keeps you moving forward, not backwards or stuck in place.
I know this is a lot to take in and I was trying to make up for lost time with this lengthy post, but there is still a lot to learn from all of this. Like I said before love is not always a sure, definite or permanent thing and that is okay. It can become faded, especially when we do not take care of it. We have to treat it with care like it is something that is delicate and fragile. Otherwise it can wear and tare over time like anything else in life. Faded love is something we do not have control over. So my readers… I hope you learned something from this. And I hope you enjoy the following poem. Cheers!!
Faded Love
I loved you through it all, The highs, the lows and Everything in between but Even as every single wall Came down with your hand In mine perfectly it was what Tore our love into tiny pieces. Some love is right there like A shiny new toy and reaches The stars but ours is on strike And sits on an abandoned Shelf, all alone and collecting Dust along with the flattened Sense of hope. It is reflecting On you, not me as I always Loved you, but you loved me Far too late when yesterdays Fade away into weeks. You see Me for who I really am months Too late. By then I have already Moved to someone who confronts Everything head on with a steady Presence instead of waiting in The shadows and for him to love Me better than you could on even Ground. So where did the pieces of Love go when we both fled the scene? We walked away with hands finally clean.
I know that this post is a week late with Valentine’s Day just a couple of weeks ago, but I guess it is never too late when we talk about this subject. I just recently had a conversation with my closest friend who went through a bad breakup. I won’t go into all the details of what happened because that is her business. With that conversation and with everything that I have gone through in the past with past relationships I will talk about this subject of real and true love. I feel like this is a subject we can all relate to in one way or another. I think it is what a lot of us aim and strive for when we are looking for that right relationship. And for the most part it will find you rather than the other way around. That leads me to my first quote of this post. “When love is real it finds a way.” This echoes almost exactly what I said just before. It is what my best friend said to me once upon a time. True love will find you, especially when you least expect it. It could happen at work or it could really happen anywhere and with anyone.
We tend to think of love stories of having an ending, but I think the truth is that true love never has an ending. That leads me to my next quote. Richard Bach says “True love stories never have endings.” It is like what I said before… true love does not have an ending. I think that is why it is sometime called never ending love. It is love that never ends. A love that lasts until the day you both die. A love that you makes you feel cool and calm. I probably shared this quote already, but if I haven’t here it is. Monica Drake says “The Buddhists say if you meet somebody and your heart pounds, your hands shake, your knees go weak, that’s not the one. When you meet your ‘soul mate’ you’ll feel calm. No anxiety, no agitation.” Usually people tell you that your soulmate gives you butterflies and makes your knees go week. This quote is saying the opposite. Your soulmate should make you feel calm with no anxiety. They can still give you butterflies (the good kind).
I am fortunate enough to have a great example of what true and real love is. I look at the example of my parents. They have love that is undeniable. Yes, they fight and argue, but at the end of the day they still love each other. Love is imperfect. Once you find that real and true love you fight hard to keep it. You just have to make sure that love is mutual. That means if you love them they should love you back in return. In other words, it should not be a one sided type of love. That brings me into my next quote. “Love isn’t perfect. It isn’t a fairytale or a storybook and it doesn’t always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, and impossible to live without. Love is work, but most of all, love is realizing that every hour, every minute, every second of it was worth it because you did it together.” In other words, love has its imperfections, but sometime it is worth all the hard work, especially when you work together, not against each other.
I could go and on about this, but I will say this… it is a little piece of advice a friend once gave me, especially after leaving a relationship. Take the time to sit down with a piece of paper and make what could be kind of a checklist of everything you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/future spouse. I keep adding to the list and I know that it is still floating around somewhere. If I ever do find it I will definitely share it with you all. She said to include it in your vows whenever you do get married.
I will share two final final quote with you all. Ali Larter says “You know it’s right when you feel this undeniable connection and chemistry.” In other words, you just know when it is the right type of love. Love goes way beyond chemistry. You can just feel it in your head and heart. The second one by Pierre Alex Jeanty says “True love will come. It will not bring pain, but healing. It will not bring confusion, but clarity. It will not awaken your insecurities, but put them to sleep. Real love will come and wipe away all the wrong experiences. Hold on.” In other words, hold on until you find that real love. That quote ties into one of the other quotes of this post about finding someone who makes you calm. Your soulmate is like a teammate or parter. They support you and have you putting away your insecurities/doubts.
I just encourage everyone to never give up on true or real love. This post is dedicated to my best friend since elementary school. I love you. This post and poem is dedicated to you. I hope someday you find someone who can give you that real feeling of love because you deserve it!
The Purest Love
All I wanted for you to do was to take me Home, but every time I look into your eyes I am already there. With your clothes Thrown around my room and in this bed With my head against your chest I think To myself… this is all I ever really wanted.
With you in my head and my lungs I see A bright future. All of the other guys Could have me, but with all the oaths I made to you the oaths stand true. I sink To my knees because you are in my head And heart. Others have never haunted
My dreams quite like you do. Somehow I Thought every man before you was going To save me, but I had to save myself and Be okay with being by myself before I could ever let anyone else in. I let you In even with a protected and guarded
Heart. I saw my reflection in your eyes And saw myself as you saw me… glowing And filled with happiness. With your hands All over me I was home. With the door Of the past closed I could breathe. Too Many times I thought I would be discarded
On the side of the road like I was totally Forgotten about, but you picked me up When the darkness became too much. I just wanted for the good parts of our Story to be what people remember when They think about love. I was never afraid
Of losing to love, but losing the brokenly Parts to my enemies who wanted my cup To remain empty. It was your firm touch That saved me. With every waking hour I just want to to spend them all within Your loving embrace. I never prayed
For anything more than what my parents Have…. A strong and gentle love. An Equal partnership. Love that lasts until We are old and gray. Something that holds My hand and heart with such carefulness. Someone who will say I do at the end of
The aisle with sureness and assurance. Promises with vows and rings with plans For the future, giving my heart stillness And not shakiness. When the truth unfolds You will dive in with me with fearlessness And with no room to be afraid. This is love.
Whether you want to call this puppy love or first love, it does not matter. We have all at some point experienced this kind of love during our lifetime. Whether it is the person we first dated or really fell in love and it does not necessarily have to be the first boyfriend/girlfriend or first person we dated either. For me it wasn’t my first “boyfriend.” It was a guy I started seeing after college when I went back home. It differentiates person to person. It could be with the person you are with today. It is that someone you do not forget about. It is someone you compare everyone else to. That leads me to my first quote of this post. “No matter what you say, you will never forget your first love.” It is like what I was saying before about not forgetting your first love. Sometimes that first love can be someone like your mom or dad so it does not necessarily have to be romantic because it is that person who taught you what love is. The first kind of love I saw and still see is the one with my parents with each other and to their children.
If you are still with your first love, congratulations, but a lot of the time you do not end up with that person forever. That is unfortunately the sad truth about our first love. That leads me to my next quote by Benjamin Disraeli. He says, “The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end.” That is the sad truth about our first love… we tend to ignore the fact that it could end at any point. It hurts, but it happens that way. That person, despite the pain and heartbreak will always have special place in your heart no matter what. They stick with you no matter what. That leads me to my next quote. It says “Maybe your first love is the one that sticks with you because it’s the only person who will ever receive all of you. After that, you learn better. But, most of all, no matter what, a piece of you forever remains left behind in the heart of the one you loved – a piece no future lover could ever get, no mater what. That piece holds innocence – the belief that love really can last forever. It holds friendship and pain, trial and error, that one kiss you’ll never forget and that night under the stars you can never get back. It holds youth and everything you thought love would be. Everything that was proven wrong.” So that person in other words is your first everything.
So I hope that my readers will always remember their first love because that is truly something special and never be afraid to love again if that first love does not work out in the end. That leads me to my next and final quote of this post by Elizabeth Aston. She says “One’s first love is always perfect until one meets one’s second love.” We are allowed to have more than our one or first love. And for the most part our second love is better than the first. I thought I would share not only one poem, but two. Enjoy!!!! And happy belated Valentine’s Day.
Someone I Loved (And Still Love)
You were once someone who I fully loved As those moments we shared turned into Distant and far away memories. I shoved Everything aside, hoping I can forget you
And the way you made me feel. You are Not here to help me get through all those Lonely and empty nights. The bright star You helped me find is there, but the rose
Along with our love died during the middle Of spring. I had to learn to love the sound Of walking away as I played second fiddle To your very first priority. The word around
The street is that I moved on and maybe You have too, but we both pulled the rug. We both gave up when it was hard to see The light at the end of the tunnel. I tugged
Myself out of all those flashbacks in which I really wanted everything back to how it Was before; easy and would never switch Up on each other, but we can no longer fit
Together. All we can do is wish each other The best and hope that we both can find Love we search for. Love that can smother And does not hurt. Love that is both kind
And patient. Love that does not keep us Second-guessing. Love that is never little Or too big. On the merry go round and bus Of life we only keep going until the brittle
Edges of our hearts were breaking. This Taught me the love never goes away even When I wanted to hate someone. The bliss That we had is all I craved and believed in.
Our story and chapter comes to an end, But in them lays a person I loved. Scratch That… a person I still love today. I blend In hoping that you do not knows I catch
Or carry feelings for you. I wear your shirt In the hopes that I will not forget you and How it still brings me comfort. We skirt, Dodge and avoid the past pain. I handed
You parts of me and pretend to be content Even when my heart is still missing the old You. It is your familiar touch and scent That I long for. The “come here” as cold
Days and nights became way warmer with Your rich voice. All I longed for was to love You infinitely but love like that is a myth And fable. Something we can only think of
As the world keeps turning and it always Comes down to the fact that I have to live A better life so when we meet again days Or years later, we will be ready to give
Love a chance that it really deserves. But For now I think about the what ifs. What if We just kept trying? What if I tried to shut Off insecurities we carried? Pour me a stiff
Drink and let’s drink to forget about life. Let’s drink to forget about love seeping Through our veins. I wanted to be a wife Or partner through it all, regularly keeping
You safe and protected from the world Tossing its leftovers at your feet. I wanted To be the reason for your smiles, curled. I cannot let the bad things that haunted
Us to be a mistake as our biggest mistake Was screaming “I love you” and we were Too way too late. We were too late to take The biggest risk of all, having tears blur
Our vision, but we were still willing to fall Again. I felt like a soldier ready to fight Because that is all I wanted, but the wall Went back up again and we lost the light.
So no, I will never be forgetting your love, Even if I was starting to love someone else As you are my first love, wearing a glove To protect something gentle and complex.
Real Love
Love permeates the air because I cannot Get enough of you, but it is not the lust I feel in my bones and veins. It is the real Deal as I used to always get so caught Up in the past, but not anymore as I trust You and all the love that is strong. I feel
You even when you are not sleeping here Next to me or walking besides me in this Journey of life. I asked a million times if You loved me and you said, “Never fear My love as it is sturdier than the abyss We get easily lost in. Let go of the cliff’s
Edge as it will never hold you and support Your body weight and heart like I will. So Trust me when I say I love you one million Times. Let us fill our souls and passports With adventure as I wish to see your glow Forever. I do love you with perfect vision.”
I wish I could articulate it into words and Notions that make sense, but nothing will Say it more than all these words to you, my Dear as we will soon in the future stand In front of each other as our love’s thrill Is still here. Love like this is worth a try.
I have talked about love before and I wanted to post something about love since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Everyone who knows me knows how I feel about Valentine’s Day (not my favorite holiday). I want to focus on a different kind of love in this post. Forbidden love. I feel like forbidden love is something among the lines of loving someone you are not supposed to be loving. Like someone you are loving from afar and cannot tell anyone about. It is like holding onto a secret. We think of forbidden love like Romeo and Juliet. It is one of those weird and twisted feeling. I think this quote by Pen soul in some ways sums it up. “Falling in forbidden love is beautiful in a weird way, like those doodles in the last page of my notebook, only I can feel, interpret and understand that blissful mess.” In other words, forbidden love is something that person can only try to understand. Nobody else can truly understand it better than that one person can.
A lot of the time this love can leave you hurt, scarred and feeling hallow. It is like what Roy Orbison says. He says, “Love hurts, love scars, love wounds, and mars.” Sometimes we do not want that kind of love because if love hurts like that then it is not always worth it, especially if it leaves you hurt all the time. But it is also the type of love that teaches us all something. Yes, it hurts and it feels so wrong, but it is the greatest lesson we can learn. Which is my point about this forbidden love thing. I want to conclude with one final quote and I think this explains what I have been saying. “The worst feeling in the world is when you know that you both love each other but still you just can’t be together.” That feeling is the worst feeling and that is what forbidden love is. It is the fact that even if you love each other you cannot be together. Anyways, here is a poem that I wrote about forbidden love. Enjoy!!
Our Forbidden Love
I loved you, but I would never tell The world including you because Although we were lovers there
Was nothing else. My heart swelled With so much hatred because claws Scratched me and I could not swear
To tell you that I was bleeding from The pain. I could never tell you that I was tired from loving the wrong
Person who only showed their warm Smile, but never the war or combat They face every day. I was the song
That cheered you up and the place You went to when you needed to De-stress from the world. It was our
Secret as my fingertips would trace Every inch of your skin. Me and you Were once safe in our morning hour,
Laying against your chest, hearing Your heartbeat, but we both already Knew that we could not stay. But
Instead we were looking or peering Into something that was unsteady Like an old house without its guts
Or foundation to stand on. We were An empty house that had no love Left. We were drowning in the sea
And its cascading waves. The blur Of tears were too much. Like a dove We were flying too close and we
Burned, but could never survive or Escape the feeling that this love was Forbidden or felt like a wrong turn.
It was something I could not ignore. It was our last night when the buzzed Feeling wore off. I no longer yearned
For something that left me so hollow. It was a hard pill for me to swallow.
I want to start off by saying some of this may sound like a repeat. Time is a precious thing in life. We either cherish it or we worry about it. Sometimes time goes by quickly. In life there is such a thing as wrong place and wrong time. Some people point out to me that with the right person there is such a thing as right place and right time. That brings me to a quote by Kabir Bedi who says “Everything has a place and time.” That is so very true. With the wrong person there is such a thing as wrong place and wrong time. That is also very true.
There is this expression/quote that says you meet the right person at the wrong time or you meet the wrong person at the right time. I think that is what a lot of people say, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. I am beginning to think that is wrong as well. That brings me to a quote that says, “The right person at the wrong time is still the wrong person.” In other words it does not matter if it is the right or wrong time that person is STILL the wrong person and deep down you will simply know without a doubt if they are the right or wrong person. Sometimes it is a human tendency to fall in love with the wrong person, but I am not going to get too much into those details right now. It is just how life works sometimes.
Wrong place, wrong time also has a lot do with certain situations besides love. We make a lot of wrong turns sometimes and those wrong turns can either lead somewhere where we are meant to be or it can just make us turn in a different direction. Like I said before, there is no such thing as wrong place and wrong time as Shashi Tharoor says, “There is not a thing such as the wrong place, or the wrong time. We are where we are at the only time we have. Perhaps it’s where we are meant to be.” In other words, there is no such thing as wrong place, wrong time because we are exactly where we are meant to be. Anyways, this is a topic we can talk about for days and days, but I am going to stop right here because this is the right time to do so. I hope you enjoy this poem, which won 1st place in the “Wrong Place; Wrong Time competition on DUP.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
It was fate when you messaged me that night, Catching up like we were old friends. We had Not spoken since high school. Years later and I would learn we were in the wrong place at The completely wrong time.You were the light At the end of the tunnel and made every bad Day better. It was not until I held onto his hand I knew you and I had soul ties, but I combatted
The feeling we were not compatible. We had to Take many wrong turns before we finally made The right turn, but it was the wrong turn too. No Matter how many chances and opportunities we Had we were knocking on the wrong doors. You And I knew after that phone call we would fade Into nothing, but the memories will always follow. With you and I there was a love truly lost at sea
With no way to come back from the devastating Or treacherous storm. Time will stop waiting.
When I was in college I took an interesting class my senior year. It was Nature Writing. One of the writers we talked about and read in that class was Wendell Berry. I always try to broaden my horizons when it comes to reading and following an author/poet’s work. Wendell Berry is one of those people for me. He and Mary Oliver are similar in some ways because they both bring nature into their work. I feel Oliver’s is simplistic in some ways and Berry’s work is slightly more complex. Anyways, one of Berry’s pieces/poems that I came across was “The Country of Marriage.” I am including the text from that poem down below.
I. I dream of you walking at night along the streams of the country of my birth, warm blooms and the nightsongs of birds opening around you as you walk. You are holding in your body the dark seed of my sleep. II. This comes after silence. Was it something I said that bound me to you, some mere promise or, worse, the fear of loneliness and death? A man lost in the woods in the dark, I stood still and said nothing. And then there rose in me, like the earth’s empowering brew rising in root and branch, the words of a dream of you I did not know I had dreamed. I was a wanderer who feels the solace of his native land under his feet again and moving in his blood. I went on, blind and faithful. Where I stepped my track was there to steady me. It was no abyss that lay before me, but only the level ground. III. Sometimes our life reminds me of a forest in which there is a graceful clearing and in that opening a house, an orchard and garden, comfortable shades, and flowers red and yellow in the sun, a pattern made in the light for the light to return to. The forest is mostly dark, its ways to be made anew day after day, the dark richer than the light and more blessed, provided we stay brave enough to keep on going in. IV. How many times have I come to you out of my head with joy, if ever a man was, for to approach you I have given up the light and all directions. I come to you lost, wholly trusting as a man who goes into the forest unarmed. It is as though I descend slowly earthward out of the air. I rest in peace in you, when I arrive at last. V. Our bond is no little economy based on the exchange of my love and work for yours, so much for so much of an expendable fund. We don’t know what its limits are– that puts us in the dark. We are more together than we know, how else could we keep on discovering we are more together than we thought? You are the known way leading always to the unknown, and you are the known place to which the unknown is always leading me back. More blessed in you than I know, I possess nothing worthy to give you, nothing not belittled by my saying that I possess it. Even an hour of love is a moral predicament, a blessing a man may be hard up to be worthy of. He can only accept it, as a plant accepts from all the bounty of the light enough to live, and then accepts the dark, passing unencumbered back to the earth, as I have fallen tine and again from the great strength of my desire, helpless, into your arms. VI. What I am learning to give you is my death to set you free of me, and me from myself into the dark and the new light. Like the water of a deep stream, love is always too much. We did not make it. Though we drink till we burst we cannot have it all, or want it all. In its abundance it survives our thirst. In the evening we come down to the shore to drink our fill, and sleep, while it flows through the regions of the dark. It does not hold us, except we keep returning to its rich waters thirsty. We enter, willing to die, into the commonwealth of its joy. VII. I give you what is unbounded, passing from dark to dark, containing darkness: a night of rain, an early morning. I give you the life I have let live for the love of you: a clump of orange-blooming weeds beside the road, the young orchard waiting in the snow, our own life that we have planted in the ground, as I have planted mine in you. I give you my love for all beautiful and honest women that you gather to yourself again and again, and satisfy–and this poem, no more mine than any man’s who has loved a woman.
Anyways, it is a beautiful poem. I never really read any of Berry’s poems until recently because of a competition on DUP. My poem was runner up, but first let me just reiterate my point of Berry’s connection to nature like in the poem I just included above. He ties it all together and makes the connection between nature and marriage. I could go on and on, but I think I will let that poem speak for itself. I will conclude by bringing up a quote I think goes along with what this post talks about. Berry says “The earth is what we all have in common.” In other words the one thing that connects us together is our earth and that itself says so much.
There are so many other quotes I found, especially by Berry. I will bring two more quotes to the forefront. Nature is very important to our existence. Berry says, “Whether our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner sense of justice that we do.” That is one of the other things we talked about in that Nature Writing class. Social/Environmental Justice and how important our environment is. It is the deciding factor in a lot of things.
I know I have brought this up before, but we must care for this earth. Berry says, “The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.” Enjoy the poem down below and go out to enjoy nature, something that is around us every day. It is meant to be enjoyed and cherished as it is. There is a picture I included in additional to the poem.
Photo by from Pexels.
The Promise of Marriage (Wendell Berry Tribute)
I dreamt of you walking towards me As you leave the shadows behind and The lights within your soul are brighter. I want to meet you alongside the river’s Edge – my sanctuary and where I see Us building our first home. My hand Wants to touch your skin – an igniter, A spark and something that delivers
Its promise of protecting us. I was just A wanderer, lost and unsure of where I was going next, but then you came Wearing your heart on your sleeve. Your willing heart craved wanderlust Too. You are a woman with long hair, A smile that goes with it and a name Beautiful as a dove’s call. The leaves
On the tree become greener as you Approach and meet me down the aisle. There I vow to shield you as you did It countless times, even when I was Undeserving and with the clear blue Sky above our heads I love every smile Along with the tears that already slid Down your soft face. We take a pause
To take it all in, enjoying all the early Mornings and late evenings. We laid Our love at the Earth’s feet. We look as Fall, winter, spring and summer change, But our love that sometimes turns curly Stays the same. Are we what we prayed For? We have love that is raw like topaz People dig for and is a mountain range.
We all know that feeling, right? That feeling when we love someone or have a crush on someone, but they do not feel the same way about us. That is called “unrequited love.” It basically means it is all one sided. Here is a quote I found among the many about unrequited love. Suzanne Harper says, “Problems can be fixed. But unrequited love is a tragedy.” Growing up I almost always had a crush on someone who did not feel the same way I did or just completely ignored me. I had a crush on the jock or one of the popular guys and I was always one of the quiet or shy girls. It happens to all of us. It is awful and makes us feel bad. It makes us feel unappreciated and makes us have the worst self esteem, like am I not good enough or why doesn’t he/she like or love me back? And I have also been on the other side too where someone liked me, but I did not like them back like that. It sucks, but you cannot force chemistry with just anyone. So I know what it is like on both sides and what I am saying is that it sucks, but happens anyways.
Sometimes it happens where someone likes you and you like them, so it would be a requited like/love like you both mutually like or love each other. And that is great when that happens, but sometimes it is a rarity. So I really sympathize with my readers, understanding everyone’s frustration and heartache. Sometimes you will look back and say damn, I missed my chance or it is a good thing they did not love/like me back because of the person they turned out to be. I look back on some of the crushes I had and wonder why I liked them to begin with. There were rare chances when they actually treated me well. Then some of that changed as I got older. I am sharing two poems to share two different sides of the spectrum. Happy reading and enjoy!! And a late happy Valentine’s Day to all of my readers out there. I posted this in the spirit of that holiday. I hope that you enjoy it, even if you are single. And I will throw in one more poem in that spirit. So it will be three poems that you will be reading here. Enjoy (again)!!
Unrequited Crush
Heart stopping and heart pounding affection.
Every time you turned my way, I had to stop
From fainting. As we got older, the connection
We once had faded because you would chop
My heart into pieces and pretended like you
Never knew who I was to you. You smiled at
Every pretty girl, but I never had the luxury to
Be on the receiving end of it. I was a doormat
And an outsider, but I am over it now because
A guy like you does not deserve my infatuation
Or to be my unrequited crush. It made me pause
Wondering why you would be my temptation
Because you are nothing more than a daydream
In a fantasy. Someone else gives me that gleam.
Feeling It Right In the Soul
Everything about you looks good on paper, but it is about
What the heart and mind wants. Everything that is you
Cannot change, but I want to scream and shout
That you deserve better because you want someone to
Give you that love that you give so freely in return.
I am not the one to give it to you, but someday you will
Find someone who will give you a spark and flame
You can never put out. They will dive in right until
You take your last breath. Then you will know the claim
That they have on you. That is something you want,
Not only on the surface, but also deep down to your
Very soul. Darling, do not let that mistake haunt
You of wanting and loving the wrong girl. The door
You wanted to open will open and you will walk right
Into something you could have never visualized
Before. You will smile, laugh, argue and fight
With them forever. You will be surprised.
Valentine’s Day – Not Just For the Lovers
Valentine’s Day is for the lovers with flowers
And chocolate, but what about the lonely ones?
It is like God has stripped them of their powers
To get that love in return. He or she outruns
That possibility because they only want what
Others have, a chance of happiness. When they
Think no one would love them like that, their gut
Bottoms out because as much as they hope and pray
For a strong love. Someone out there is going to stay.
It is that times of the year… Thanksgiving has already passed and Christmas is right around the corner. In fact, Christmas is tomorrow. Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays growing up and it is still is to this very day. I love waking up early and seeing the presents under the Christmas tree. I feel like one thing has changed, especially as I have gotten older. I still enjoying getting presents and I love giving them away, but I feel like those are so materialistic these days. Like the newest iPhone or computer or something like that. This quote says it the best. “I think as you grow older your Christmas list gets shorter, because the things you want cannot be bought.” I guess what I am saying is that the littlest of things is what matters like being in someone’s presence or getting a gift that actually matters and is low cost. I feel like one of the best things you can give someone else, especially around the holidays is your time, love and presence.
In other words, I think a great gift is one that keeps on giving or paying it forward. There is a movie about that. Best of all those kinds of gifts come free or at least they should. I think that is why I want to try to volunteer my time or things I do not need anymore because if I do not need it then maybe someone else might. I have to remind myself that there are people who are less fortunate than me. I wish I could give more because I always believe in helping others. It is in our best nature to help others. That is why I hate how much this world has become the cars, houses, iPhones, jewelry and things we buy with our money. It is such a shame and I hope we can change that now, not only for our generation, but for the ones to follow.
So I guess what I am trying to say is best said in the following quote by Pierre Corneille. He says “The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.” So what he and I are trying to say is that the fact that we are giving is more important than the gift itself because that is what the holidays are all about. Even donating to charity, whether it is a dollar or donating school supplies or scarves and hats to the homeless shelters goes a long way. Those are just some examples, but I am sure there are some other ways in which to give a meaningful gift. Even donating your talents to a good cause can be a way of giving. I want to encourage my readers to think of some way they can give back to something or someone they really care about. That is something we all cherish. Happy holidays everyone!!
My Free Gifts
I could buy you all of the materialistic things that
Do not matter or get you a lifetime of laughter.
I can be your solider who can fight and combat
Next to you. I can give you what comes after.
I can be a light that shines within the darkness
Like a precious jewel that you cannot buy with
Money. I will stand with you in the starkness.
I can give you something that only a wordsmith
Can give you. Those are the things that do not cost
Anything because they already come free with me.
Darling, I know that when you are completely lost,
I will be the home and peace you come to. I would be
Everything you cannot find in something else. I am
The gift that keeps on giving to those that realize
That life is far from fake and becoming a sham.
There is something about me that makes me a prize.
I just want to talk about something, especially after doing another competition on DUP. Like I have said before, there are people we come across. Some people treated us right, but there are people who have been a part of our lives and have treated us horribly aka they did us wrong. It does not matter if they are an ex, a former friend, or someone in our family. I know that we should all behave proper, but in this moment it is okay to bash them, just a little bit and not too much because they are still only human after all. Even if they did you wrong you still have to be a better person while forgiving them and then just moving on. Dwelling on something takes too much energy. Some things you can fix and other times you cannot. This quote says it the best. “Hating is for the weak, loving is for the strong. It takes more to love someone who did you wrong than it does to hate them.” So no, I do not hate anybody, but I forgive and say thank you because I would not be where I am today without them. This is a short post, as all of it is pretty simple. I want to conclude by strongly encouraging my readers to dig deep down and forgive those who did us wrong. Cheers and happy reading! Just a side note that this is directed towards an ex, but can be applied to anyone else who did us wrong. I decided to go with two poems. The second one actually won me a competition on DUP.
Did Me Wrong
My first love… why did you have go ahead and break my heart?
You took it all and tore everything into pieces. Everything was sore
And hurting so much. You knew that everything was falling apart,
But you did nothing, except taking back your promises, your
Words and actions. I was left feeling empty and with a gaping
Hole, but I had to replace you. I could not let the sadness
Wash over me while all of the anger was slowly escaping
From my body. I should have every right to be in the madness
And be pissed off. I am sorry and all the other apologies will
Not be enough. I could have burned everything, but be glad
I am not that kind of ex that is psychotic and crazy. The thrill
And chase of that teenage love is done. We could be friends
Is bullshit. We were down different roads and ends.
Everything That is You
I hate you and everything that you truly are.
I once thought that you were the shining star,
But I was a fool because you became a meteorite,
Having everything around me burn red and white.
You said that you loved me, but I was just a pawn
And soldier in your game. Even before the dawn
Came I knew that things could never be the same.
Deep down rooted within me there is pain, shame
And fiery anger. If only you could understand it all,
But you are too selfish to care. I was your rag doll,
Only being pushed around and trying to please you,
But nothing could make you completely happy. To
You I am just another person you can throw away.
But I cannot let you treat me that badly. I still pray
To forgive you because I know that nobody could
Ever truly ever be that bad intentionally. The good
Parts of you are there even if you cannot see them.
I have become sturdy like a flower and its stem.