New Possibilities

Happy new year and 2025 to all of the amazing people this year. This has been quite a year already and the year has barely even started. I am going to dive into my first post and quote of the new year. This post is all about new possibilities. And like I just said a moment ago I am going to dive right into my first quote of the new year. “New day. New thoughts. New strength. New possibilities.” I know that it is hard to stay positive with so many things going on in the world but that should not stop us from finding new possibilities every single day. That brings me to my next quote by Ray Charles who says “There are many spokes on the wheel of life. First, we’re here to explore new possibilities.” In other words, there are so many parts to life and there is always a chance to explore new possibilities.

The following poem is about someone who really opened my life up to new possibilities and I am forever thankful for that person. They were really there for me and it made all the difference in my life at the time. It did not work out the way I hoped with this person but I am glad I took that chance anyways. That is what this post is all about. Taking chances and be open to new possibilities no matter what. I hope that you all enjoy the following poem. I also wanted to conclude this post with one final quote. I am not sure if it is one I have shared before but if not I want to share it with you all. “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have and the decisions we waited too long to make.” So in other words we should have no regrets.

I hope that you all enjoy this first post of the new year and the following poem. Once again, happy new year and happy 2025! I am so thankful for everyone who has been on this journey with me. It has been 9 years and counting of messyties. I started this blog 9 years ago in 2016. It feels like it was just yesterday. A very good example of new possibilities and taking chances. This new year is going to be filled with new possibilities and risk taking. Stay tuned…. I have a project in the works for this year and I cannot wait to make the announcement when the time comes!

A World of Possibilities

We were nothing more than friends, 
But something shifted for us that 
Night. It is like being in a dark room 
And then someone turns on the light. 
Suddenly I see every possibility with 
You and us. We do not know the ends, 
Only all the beginnings and all the paths 
We travel on. When the flowers bloom 
We cannot stop them. As we take flight 
Above the scene it is like the wordsmith 
In me finally stays quiet and enjoys every 
Moment with you. Within your embrace 
I feel safe and secure. With every kiss and 
Laugh I feel more at home. Maybe we are 
Just a fantasy or maybe this is life throwing 
Us a chance. I will cherish every memory 
With your calloused fingertips that trace 
The deepest parts of me and with my hand 
On your chest. I count every blessing and star 
That comes my way. You are simply showing 
Me I am worth it in the thousands of people 
Who walk this earth every day. I am worthy 
Of the love and kindness I give so freely to 
Other people. You show me that the future 
Is bright and full of so many possibilities. 
How is it that you make this life less dull? 
In a life filled with many doubts and worries 
You make me forget every single one. With you 
I forget about all those who once knew her, 
The girl I used to be. With you the infinities 
Of stars do not diminish or fade away from 
View. Maybe I will blink and this might all 
Be over soon, but I will never forget the way 
You jump-started the spark in my heart I have 
Not felt for a while. I used to feel like I was 
An abnormal molecule or like a small crumb 
On the horizon, but although now my wall 
Has come crashing down you never stray 
Far from keeping me protected. I never half 
My love or heart for anyone. When the applause 
Died down and the curtain closed you were 
Still there, more than willing to be there for me. 
How did I get so lucky to have you in my life? 
A friend and consistent presence that can never 
Be replaced. Just like a quilt you give me warmth 
And shelter. As some things feel like it is blurry 
On the horizon you are clear like the waves at sea 
Welcoming me back with open arms. The knife 
Drops to the floor and I do not want to pull the lever 
On this friendship we share. You are my forever north.

Lost and Found

Right off the bat I want to wish everyone a happy new year. May this year be great for everyone. Life is all about lost and found. We constantly lose things, but a lot of the time we gain things too. It may not be exactly like the thing we lost, but a lot of the time it is better. That is what this post is about. It is about things we have lost and gained. That brings me to my first quote of the post. “Remember, for everything you have lost, you have gained something else. Without the dark, you would never see the stars.” So in other words, for everything you have lost you will gain something else. People want to tend to focus on the things they lost instead of looking at the things they gained.

I am personally thankful for the things I have gained and lost because it got me to where I am today. That brings me to my next quote which sums up what this blog post is all about. “What you don’t have, you may gain; what you gain, you may lose; what you lose, you may regain. Life is a cycle of gaining and losing. So appreciate things before you lose them. And have faith that whatever you’ve lost will be replaced. Maybe in a different package, but enough to make you whole again.” In other words, we should be thankful for everything in life that comes and goes. You never know when something will come back to you in a different form. I hope that you all enjoy the poem down below.

P.S. I am going to start something new this year on this blog. To get everyone more involved I am going to start doing polls. I am going to leave it up to my readers what I talk about here. I am going to start off by doing it at least once a month and we will go from there.

Losing Me

I thought that losing you would really hurt me,
But it was when I lost myself, piece by piece
That ended up hurting the most because people
Can come and go, but I could never get another

Me. I know deep down there is no magical key
Or solution to getting rid of every single crease
That built me from scratch. Your loss was lethal
Like a bullet to the heart, but mine was what other

Words could not describe… bottomless and little
Hope to remain intact. Even after the dark and
Gloomy days ended there was a real chance for
Hope, but how can I love after a loss so turbulent?

How can I forget that you left me broken and brittle?
It is when I took a look at my heart beating in my hand
That I realized I could not take that chance for the door
To close and leave me behind. Your loss was permanent,

But I was okay with that because in the end I gained my
Happiness as you had no part in making me happy. You
Had no part in gaining the pieces I thought I lost forever.
You had no part in restoring the old me who was not

Broken. You were not part of the reason I stopped crying.
I lost you, but I gained a new sense of hope and a blue
Sky that had me smiling. I was not whoever or whatever
You wanted me to be because I was no longer a tangled knot.  

Out With the Old/In With the New

It is a new year. Happy 2023 everybody. To kick it off here is my first post of the new year. And I am sure it is a familiar subject for most if not all of you. It is out with the old and in with the new. That means we get rid of the old in order to bring in anything new. That leads me to my very first quote of this post. Eileen Caddy says “Life is full and overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out the old to make room for the new to enter.” In other words we pretty much need to de clutter in order to make room for anything new. So this is the end to this post because although I could go on and on about this subject, but I will stop here.

Out With the Old, In With the New

I say goodbye to all the people and things weigh me down
Because if life taught us anything it is the fact that we do not
Deserve it when our megawatt smiles turn into sullen frowns.

Say goodbye to the things that turn our stomachs into knots
Much like a lasso that does not untangle or come undone.
Sometimes we miss the people we used to know and spots

Where we used to hang out. We are more worthy of the sun,
Moon and stars when we trust the people who give them to us
Instead of questioning their motives. Some days we have spun

Out of control, but we learn to let go of the things we fussed
Or fought over. Much like we shed the things that no longer fit
Us like the clothes and skin we used to wear, we adjust

To the changes and loads we must carry. So as the world sits
And watches just remember to breathe and never quit.

Life-Changing Moments

Here is my first post of the new year. Happy 2022! What is a better time than talking about life-changing moments. I feel like the last few years have given me a lot of life-changing moments, everything from moving to getting a new job, developing new relationships (romantically and friendship wise). I know it is a topic that I have talked about many times in this blog and it is something I will talk about in this very post to start off the new year. Sometimes things change for the better and sometimes they change for the worse. I am talking about every life-changing moment, whether they are good or bad. That leads me to my very first quote of this post. Delta Goodrem says “Anyone who has gone through a life-changing experience will tell you there is a different understanding of what is real and what is important, and when you are going through different moments, you can reflect and go, ‘I have been through worse.'” In other words, every life-changing moment or experience can shape us in every which way. Every one of those moments really make you realize how lucky you are to go through them because I feel like they can help shape who you are. In that moment it can feel like you are going through something really bad but in reality you could have gone through something way worse.

I feel like for the most part life-changing moments are great or good because they can take you from a not so good place and propel you in the right direction. For example I was not in such a good place emotionally or physically and there was a person who was a part of a life-changing moment. That helped me get to a better place. That is what the following visual poem is all about. It is about someone who saved me from a bad place. A life-changing moment can involve a person who sometimes does not realize how much they are helping you. That brings me to my next quote that says the following. “One smile can start a friendship. One word can end a fight. One look can save a relationship. One person can change your life.” Like I said before, it could be someone who is a friend, a romantic partner or even a stranger and sometimes they do not realize how much they can change your life.

I know that I have gone on and on about this topic. I know that this is a topic that will come up again in my blog at some point in the future. I will conclude by saying that with life-changing moments come some discomfort. That is sometimes the price we pay because not every life-changing moment is comfortable or easy. This brings me to my next quote by Arnold Bennett who says “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by discomforts.” Change is never always easy. We may try to fight it but change is necessary in life. How are we going to grow or evolve otherwise? We may just stay stuck otherwise. That brings me right into my next quote. This is a quote that I have on my lock screen as inspiration and I am sure this is a quote that I have shared before. It is a quote by one of my personal heroes, Mandy Hale. It says “Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” It is a quote that keeps me going because nothing is as painful as staying in place where you do not belong.

I promise that this is the conclusion of this long post. I will leave you all with one final quote to kick off the new year on this blog. “There is no use to looking back at yesterday. I am no longer the person I was back then. Every morning when the sun rises, I am a changed person. Changed by the experiences I’ve had, the lessons I have learned, and the love I have received. It’s time to move forward and embrace the life that I’ve been given, be grateful for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon me, and start living a life of passion. There will always be ups and downs, good times and bad, losses and gains. Life is about learning lessons, showing love in the process, and growing into the beautiful souls we are meant to become. Don’t let yesterday rob you of your happiness today. Every time the sun rises, it’s a new opportunity to make your life the best of your life. Enjoy every moment.” This is my way of saying happy new year and I hope that you all enjoy the following poem. Cheers!!!!

“When Love Saved Me” visual poem.

My Start In Poetry

As we kick off the new year (happy 2021 everyone), I want to take this time and look back on when I first started writing poetry. I first started writing poetry in middle school and I believe it was 6th grade, but by the time I was in 8th grade I really got into it. I always credit Mr. Rose, my 8th grade English teacher for my start in poetry. I began connecting to it a lot more and I have carried it with me since then. It has become my whole world. Poetry is all about perspective and experience. That brings me to my first and only quote in this post. Muriel Rukeyser says, “Breathe in experience, breathe out poetry.” I really do breathe poetry. I do not want to make this post too long, but I would love to share some of my earliest works with you and I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do! FYI, I wrote this poem from my grandma’s perspective who at a young age moved from Arkansas to California. I thank her for being one of my earliest inspirations and for continuing to cheer me on. I love you grandma Nan!!!!

Grandma Nan Moves From Arkansas

When I was ‘bout 13 years old
Younger than you are now
I was leaving our only family home.

I said goodbye to our ratty,
Yet warm and welcoming house.
I also said goodbye to
The faded and chipped red painted barn,
Occupied with the clucking of the rooster
And the loud noises of the other animals.
I was longing and aching to touch them
One last time,
Before I said goodbye
To them for the very last time
I grew up with them
I have loved and cherished them
As if they were a part of my family.

I am leaving the old country side
And all of the roads that
Isolated us from our neighbors
Down the long bend
And those kicking up dirt
As we drive on by in our car.

I was going to miss my Arkansas
But we were leaving
For something better,
A life in the city,
In San Francisco, California
A place known as
“The land of sunshine and opportunity.”

It’s a place where my poppa could get a real job
Making enough money to support us.
He doesn’t have to live on the minimum wage,
Barely making a dollar an hour.

The Great Depression
Swept through the country
And took everything that was in it’s path.

I wonder what ever happened to that house
For I have never gone back to Arkansas
And I still haven’t to this very day.


We all want many things in life, but I think one thing we all want is to be happy or to find our happiness. I know that we try to find it within other people or things, but I think the main way to find happiness is to find it within ourselves. I know that there are bad people in this world, but we all deserve happiness. It is like you wish people the best no matter what, even if they hurt you. Yeah, it is true that you surround yourself with people who make you happy, make you smile and laugh. Those are the good people and they mean the world to you, but you learn to find your happiness the hard way. That means you have to let go of people and things that do not make you happy. I am not saying that everything is sunshine and rainbows all of the time, but there is no room for bad things either. Being happy is very personal as this following quote says. “Being happy is a very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anyone else.” YOU, not anyone else finds YOUR happiness.

I think all you have to in life is be happy. That is the best medicine and best revenge, especially when things in life make you unhappy. I think if you are happy, especially with yourself, I feel like everything else will fall into place. That is what this next quote by Chuck Palahniuk says about happiness and revenge. “That’s the best revenge of all: happiness. Nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone having a good fucking life.” Like I said, being happy is the best thing to do. Yeah, some people can tell when you are unhappy, but maybe they do not always know when you are happy. Just keep it that way. Sometimes you just want to keep some of that happiness to yourself and that is perfectly okay. You do what makes you happy and do not forget that.

Happiness is one thing I try to strive for every day. I made that promise to myself, especially with the new year upon us and I hope that all of my readers will do the same. That is the best advice I can give my readers. Enjoy and happy 2018!!!! Since this is my first post of the new year I will throw in another poem. Happiness is the best new year’s resolution you can put on your list, but it is always something to work on. I just want to conclude this post with one final quote. “Choose your happiness over everything.” In other words, being happy is vital to living, so if you choose anything choose your happiness, especially over things that do not make you happy. So enjoy and once again happy new year!!

Find Your Happiness

Sunshine streams across your face,
And through windows, erasing
Shadows that you used to trace
With your fingertips. The racing
Sound of your heartbeat evens out
While you feel calmness wash over
Like steady streams used to sprout
And help you grow every clover
In your garden. Your mind begins
Expanding into beautifully said
Words and thoughts. Your sins
And bad decisions have bled
Out. They have been washed
Away with yesterday’s pain.
Negativity has been squashed.
You learn to dance in the rain
And smile like you have never
Been sad. You let everything
Bad down the drain and the lever
Has been pulled. You fling
Yourself into all things that
Make you happy and less flat.

Resolution – Your Happiness First

Why can’t you be happy? Maybe you are trying
Too hard for perfection that cannot always be
Reached. A look in the mirror and you are crying
For the girl inside of you because what you see
Right before your eyes is not the same person
You are truly becoming. Maybe you should stop
Believing your insecurities before they worsen
And shape into something you cannot drop
Off at the baggage claim anymore. Maybe what
You grow is more important than the weeds
And things that did not grow. Let the voice shut
Down the doubt. Embrace your prayer beads
Within your palm and hanging around your neck.
Save yourself and pick yourself up from the wreck.

Being Open To New Possibilities/Chances

Just a little backstory before I dive right into it… When I was little, I used to be a picky eater by eating a whole lot of plain food plus my parents used to cook me a separate meal and I did not enjoy super spicy food. I fast forward as I got older and that slowly began to change. I felt like it got better when I went off to college and after I graduated from college. I remind my parents that they no longer have to cook a separate meal and I eat whatever I am served. There are still some things I refuse to eat and my taste buds have changed. I still will not eat super spicy food, but some spice is okay. What is the whole point to this? I know that I have talked about to never make assumptions and I think I also talked about keeping an open mind. That is what I am getting into.

I was also just talking to someone I know and I was explaining to her about a situation I am in right now, but I am not giving too many details. As I was explaining to her what was happening, she said to never shut out new possibilities. In the back of my mind, I was thinking about times where I say yes, even in situations where you should say no. However, I would say to be respectful of your boundaries, so if you need to say no or maybe go ahead and do so. There is nothing wrong with that, but that is not what I am talking about here. I have learned, especially a lot recently, to be open to any possibilities, regardless if you are unsure. You may never know where you will end up going. It could turn out great or maybe not so great after all.

This brings me to a quote that I found which perfectly relates to what I am talking about. “Today, open yourself up to new opportunities. Be accepting and ready for all of the wonderful possibilities that are coming your way… Your time to bloom is now.” There is no day like the present for new things because new things are for the most part good, especially when it feels like you need a change or more adventures. Even if they do not work out, they still teach you something. Maybe I am thinking about this with the new year arriving, although this may be my first post of the new year. I am strongly encouraging my readers to taking chances and to be open to new possibilities/opportunities. I challenge everybody, including myself, to making it one of the many New Year’s resolutions. Always have that voice in your head that says you can do this, no matter what happens. I am including two poems in this post today.

Something New

Goodbye to the bad habits I am trying
To get rid of forever. I am not going to
Live my life in the past while crying


Over something I cannot change. You
Try to keep me down, but I never need
People who do not need me. The new

And fresh start to something is a seed
Of hope. There is a better version of me
Somewhere inside. The desire to succeed

Is overwhelming and I know that I can see
Myself blossoming into one of those flowers
I love so much. I am stronger than the tree

Roots. I am rising up taller than the towers
And skyscrapers. Something is out there
The horizon. I am taking what is ours,

What we built and began. The clean air
Surrounds us and there is a new beginning.
All I can do is to send out a prayer.


New Chances

New possibilities, both new and old.

Never shut yourself out from the cold

Because it will make you appreciate

The warmth a bit more. Never wait

For anything to catch up with you

Just like you cannot wait to be through

With old doors before opening new ones.

Darling, you cannot be the one who outruns

The fresh chances that come your way.

You have to sometimes try to stray

From the path just a bit to learn to say yes.

Life is still always going to be a mess

In the end. This is your chance to shine,

Bloom and to be the first one in line

This time without being second best.

I know that you are weary and need a rest,

But you have this handled because this

Is your year. This only your bliss.


P.S. As the new year (2017) is upon us as of tomorrow (the 1st of January), I want to wish everybody a happy new year and I hope that you have a great start to the new year. Thanks for continuing to show me your support, as this blog (Messyties) is turning a year old. Thank you all so much. I hope the new year brings you all good things. I am leaving you all with another quote since this one is special for the new year and it is said by Rainer Maria Rilke. She says “And we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” I hope that everybody opens their heart to new things for the new year.