We all have exes. Whether it is an ex friend or an ex lover (as in past boyfriends/girlfriends). They are people we used to be with in the past. There is a reason why they are called an “ex.” They used to be there in your life and a lot of the time they are no longer there. It is like you go back to being strangers. It is like what this quote says. “My ex? We’re not friends, we’re not enemies. We’re just strangers with some memories.” Sometimes you can remain friends or at least act friendly towards each other, but that is a rare occurrence and is for those who are mature enough to handle it. That also takes time on both ends. But that is not what I am focusing on here. We sometimes have a lover or relationship that only lasts temporarily like a summer fling or what we can call a rebound. Even those temporary relationships can teach us a thing or two.
Ironically I think I learned this from someone I was seeing. It is best to cut ties with an ex. Which leads me into this next quote. “The best way to get over someone is to cut off all ties.” It is impossible to get over an ex unless you cut them off completely. In fact, I feel like that is the best way to get closure from a breakup. No communication, no contact, not keeping them as friends and the last one which is really important do not go back to exes. It is like going back to something/someone and you know how it is going to end. It is like what this next quote says. “Never go back to your ex. It’s like reading the same book over and over again when you know how the story ends.” Even if you are meant to be together they are an ex for a reason like I said before. That leads me right into these next couple of quotes. “When the past calls don’t answer. It has nothing new to say.” Like I said before an ex is part of your past life. There is a reason why he/she did not make it into your future.
These poems go to those ex lovers, especially to those who were able to teach us some valuable lessons in life. I also want to take some time and wish my dad and all the other dads out there a happy Father’s Day!! We would not be here without you. I am pretty lucky to have the dad I do. Today also happens to be my grandpa AJ’s birthday and the longest day of the year.
Past Lover
When our paths crossed the first time
I was caught off balance as I drank in
Your appearance and your soul was
Like a long lost friend I have not seen
In years. You made me want to climb
To the top of the mountain and begin
Anew. You took off the band-aid gauze
Pads and bandages because I have been
Through wars, but you wanted to know
My pain. I told you to be careful with me
Because my heart has been through a lot
Already and I was used to people leaving
When they see my scars. You would grow
Pretty flowers where all weeds used to be
Sprouting. You thought of me and brought
Comfort when you know I was grieving
For someone else’s love I lost. You were
More than a friend or lover because you
Were my shield and you were what kept
Me forever grounded. You only wanted
To protect me. What used to be a blurry
Speck on the horizon became clearer to
Me. You held me tight as shadows crept
By but I was no longer being haunted
As I was already lost within your hugs,
Kisses and a presence better than drugs.

Our Summer Memories
I know summer memories are supposed to fade away
Once fall and winter days come rolling around, but
How am I supposed to forget that summer with you?
I remember laughter, tears and sunshine as we sway
With the stars twinkling in the night sky and the gut
Wrenching feeling that this summer is not going to
To last forever like I wanted it to. I was only looking
For something temporary, but then you came in with
That megawatt smile, those sunshine eyes, that ocean
Breeze hair and I was easily losing my steady footing.
There was something magical. Everyone had a myth
That love is only for the summer, but as the motion
Of the waves are deeply felt within our souls there is
A lie behind that truth because I felt our love even as
The days became shorter. The elastic cord that holds
Us together was still very strong. Summer love fizzes
Out before there is a second chance, but your topaz
Eyes are ones I will not forget. We were summer gold.